I've got this down
to a fine art - but it's all a matter of taste.
I create a new folder
for each year, with sub-folders for each month. Within the monthly
folder I create a new folder each time I download photographs to
the computer.
After downloading photographs
I use Graphics Converter (on the Mac) or ACDsee (on the PC) to run
a slide show of the new photos - deleting anything which doesn't
seem to be both compositionally and technically satisfactory.
I then use Photoshop
7 to go through the shots one by one. Worthy shots will then be
modified in photoshop - usually I do nothing more than a levels
adjustment and sometimes a little dodging in of shadow areas (I
intentionally under-expose my photos; you can never recover burned
out areas in digital, but there's always details in the shadows).
Having satisfied myself
that the photograph is now as required, I save it with the original
file name prefixed with the letter M (for modified) at the highest
jpg setting.
I'll then resize the
photo for the internet (I use 700 pixels wide for landscape, and
600 pixels high for portrait). Then I'll use unsharp mask, usually
100% at 0.7 or 1 pixel.
Finally I'll add the
frame and then save the reduced file in the parent folder (i.e.
the folder for the month).
If I need to print the
file I can go back to the modified file I saved above, sharpen it
as required and print it.
This is very simplistic
(I'm a simple guy). I hesitate to give such basic information, but
such as it is, here it is.